Haunted House Halloween Art for Kids

Haunted House Halloween Art for kids. It is an easy art activity to do at home or in preschool as a Halloween activity.

This activity promotes fine and gross motor skills.

Gross Motor Skills:

  • Children will practice their cutting skills ( using scissors to cut the shape of the house)
  • Collage, by sticking the shapes to create a house.

Fine Motor Skills:

Taking Stickers to decorate the Haunted House

easy halloween art for kids to do at home
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If you are looking for a last-minute and fun activity to calm a group of kids during a chilly Fall day… Then look nowhere.

You will only need a few items that you already have to keep your toddlers or preschoolers busy!

For this Haunted house halloween art for kids, you’ll need:


easy art for kids with halloween stickers
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In advance, set up your activity table. Always set up the table before inviting the children to play ( this will prevent angry kids or losing their interest in the activity )

Instructions to make this haunted house halloween art for kids:

With your little volunteer children, Start by cutting shapes to make the house.

Then using Glue sticks, stick those shapes in black construction paper to make the haunted house.

halloween house art
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Take the Sharpie and draw windows and the door.

haunted house preschool art
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When you’re ready, place the house on the table with the stickers.

Invite the children to the activity and explain to them that they need to add stickers to decorate the haunted house.

Let them get creative and decorate the house the way they’d like.

Have Fun and Happy Halloween! 

Halloween Art with stickers
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I hope you try this easy Halloween art with your little ones. Feel free to Hashtag me on social media with your kids’ artwork… I love to hear from you 🙂

If you’re looking for some fun Halloween Kids Songs, check out my other blog post!

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